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Channels -> Chops -> back again?

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Hi - 


I simply want to continue the slope on my animation curves linearly past their termination. A search indicated that CHOPS is the only way to do this (Really? In Maya it's a quick menu selection)


1 - So I create a CHOP network, fetch the tx ty tz channels, "EXTEND" them... now what? How do I get the result from CHOPS back to the actual curves?  (i.e. I can see the result in MotionFX view, but not in the Animation Editor or Scene View)


2- what's the difference between creating a CHOP network at the OBJ level, and working at the CH network level itself?


thanks humans



*EDIT - Ok - create EXPORT node in chopnet, choose channels to export, node to export to, and then channels to export to - it does not update the animation editor (which makes sense) but it should update the scene view / actual motion


Still wondering about #2, and if this is the only way to do this (totally convoluted for such a basic animation operation!)

Edited by cwalrus
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There's an example file called 'ChannelBasic'



I think this addresses what you need.


Make sure you have the orange mark checked... (about seeing it in motion graph, but not being applied to the geometry)





or simple way,


Right click on the parameter that has the key framed animation value. Chose motionfx -> Cycle(or anything).

It automatically makes the chopnetwork.


Inside, just replace Cycle(or whatever you chose) with Extend SOP. (orange mark it and done).

Edited by bluciensky
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I simply want to continue the slope on my animation curves linearly past their termination. A search indicated that CHOPS is the only way to do this (Really? In Maya it's a quick menu selection)


not the only way

you can create a key before or after your first/last key and set that segment function to matchin(), matchout(), cycle(), cycleoffset(), ...

while that is not proper out of range functionality as in other packages, it does the job

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