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Snow shader - tips on where to start?


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Hey everyone!

So I am trying out the grain solver. Pretty sweet stuff! But I am brand new to rendering in Mantra and am wanting to know if anyone has any tips on shading snow? Not many topics out there regarding the shading aspect.  I have read elsewhere things like "volume rasterize  points" on your points and use a uniform volume" but can't get any results after volume rasterize node. Not sure really where to start at all. Also uniform volume looks good but it doesn't look like snow initially.  If anyone has any tips at all it would be most appreciated! 


Thank you so much!


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  • 3 months later...

Legomir renderer the snow as a VDB volume, with a modified Billowy Smoke shader from the material pallette:



I also seen a test of his where he converted it to polygons, then rendered with a shader similar to mine (what Izat linked). That is, principled shader + raytraced SSS (plugged in as Ce - emission).

Edited by OskarSwierad
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