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Fracturing Wood Panels - work flow


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So I've been trying to figure out how to fracture panels of wood! I've got a method here but I'm hoping there's a better approach.


I wanted a high strength/glue value within each panel piece and close to zero between panels. The basic idea is to pass an attribute which has a unique value for each panel and use this to create the clusters. Then delete the glue links between different clusters. It works but I'm kinda hoping someone has a better approach, as this one gets quite slow especially moving around in DOPS. See an example of the final glue network attached.


Anyway I've set up the file so there's very few fractures so it loads quickly, but to really get it to work it needs at least around 3000 points. So if you check out the file have a look at it, then increase the number of of points on the scatter node. 


One problem is that I haven't been able to get the nice elongated 'wood' fractures via the transform before/after method - it changes the glue network taken from the voronoi fracture node.... Also, the cluster tab on the voronoi fracture node seems to have no effect? If this worked all this would probably be unnecessary.




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Scale the mesh down in the axis you want the grain, do the fracturing, then scale back up - so for the setup you have, just add a transform with a 0.05 scale in Y before the fracturing and a transform with 20x scale in Y after the fracturing and also increase your chunkcenters to 2500 or more. :)

Edited by Farmfield
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Thanks Johnny, yeah the only problem with using those transforms is that it effects the glue network extracted from the voronoi fracture node, it's all shrunk down. Maybe there's a way to compute this separately though. Or just scale that network back up, I'll check this when I'm in front of it later. 

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  • 2 weeks later...


I changed your setup a bit. I created two sets of constraints, one with constraints between pieces in each plank and second with constraints between planks.

But for some reason I cannot get glue react to static deforming object.

Also glue constraints doesn't react to magnet forces therefore I tried to add there collider.

Could anybody check hip file - why simulation doesn't react to static object? :)




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