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snap settings


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For PolySplit, while you're in the tool, hit the 'p' key to bring up its parameters. You can then turn on Snap to midpoint and/or perpendicular. Note that the perpendicular snapping doesn't work on the first point that you try to split.

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Is there some option in houdini for snapping to midpoints cetres.....

espaecially in polysplit.

Also how do icreae say 2 objects and align them based on maximums/minimums/centres...?




At sop level you can use the attached. I have to rewrite it to work with objects.


It's quite old but I think it still works.


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The operator was embedded "old-style" in the hip file. The place.cmd file is actually a houdini script which is used to create the contents of new Place SOPs. I've re-saved it out into an .otl file instead (See attached). To install the .otl file, first make sure you put the .otl file into the place where you want to keep it. Then in Houdini, go to File > Install Operator Type Library. Pick the place.otl file to install. If you only want to use it in the current .hip file, then you can just use the default. Otherwise, choose to install it into $HOME/houdini7.0.


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