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WaterMill Flip fluid simulation


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Hi guys, i'm working on a medieval house which is under attack. I have almost completed the modeling/texturing part of the project and also the fire simulation from the windows. Now i'm having some problems with the fluid simulation, basically the watermill seems to not affect the flip fluid simulation (i'm using a proxy volume collider) and the water falling down from the drain has a curve path, so it doesn't interact with watermill.


For the curve path problem i tried to increase the gravity force, but without much difference. Someone can help me? Thanks in advance for any type of help.


Link for the obj file: https://www.dropbox.com/s/v7epxb9iwn4u8mz/ToUpload.obj?dl=0

MedievalHouseToUpload.hipFetching info...

Edited by Federico
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Hi Federico, 

To make the water hit the mill add a little bit of friction to your fluid object. Change it from 0 to .1. I couldn't get the volume sample collision to work but I got the collision to work when I changed it from a static to an rdb object with a rigid body solver and ray intersect collision.

Good luck with your project!

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After a big delay, i managed to return to the hip file. Now the wheel it's correctly colliding with the fluid, but the two flip solver aren't interacting with eachother. I tried adding another merge node that link the two flip solvers using a "mutual collide relationship", but with no effect. How i can make interact the two flipsolvers? Thanks.

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