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Newb question: sweeping a T


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Hey, I'm new to Houdini but really enjoying it's procedural generation modeling workflow. I've seen a lot of tutorials that get geometry by sweeping a flat shape along a curve and then telling it to skin. Is it possible to do something like that with something that branches like the letter T? I don't want to use anything as complex as a an L-system, I just want to be able to take a curve, branch it some how and then skin that. is that possible? is there a way to get similar results?

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sweeping a T over a single curve should be just as straightforward (even a flat L system would work fine)


sweeping onTO a curve shaped as a T is significantly more difficult (if you want non-intersecting geometry at the end)

as far as I know this is not a generally solved issue, though you could clean the geometry by converting to VDB and back to polygons I suppose.


if you don't mind intersecting (and disconnected geometry) I would suggest just skinning in a forloop per primitive, or just use the sweep sop if that has enough features for you.

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Hey djiki, you keep posting hip file via this "wikisend" so just in case: Do you know this forum provide a "posting hip file" feature ? Just click the MORE REPLY OPTIONS at the bottom right corner of your reply window.

It's easy, and a lot more comfortable then getting out of the forum to get the hip file.


If you're aware of that and got your reason for pposting this way, then just ignore this msg ;)

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