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Move Points

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I'm trying to figure out how to move lets say point0 90% in Y towards point 1. When it moved 90% then move both point0 and point1 90% in Y to point2.

What im trying to create is theater curtains and I gotten pretty far, but I want to make a lil better.

I drew a picture which might make it easier to understand. You can also check out the file what I got so far, of course I would need to have better settings etc.


Any idea highly appreciated!




Edited by dfmn
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@f1480187 is it possible to give each point a little delay before they start moving again? something like this:




I can just do it by hand, but I also trying to learn get better at houdini so this is very good learning for me!

Edited by dfmn
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Sure, it is easy with a ramp. Input geo here must have a point per meter of height, to match with seconds of @Time variable. You also could multiply @Time by desired meters per second value.

// Point wrangle.
float timeramp = floor(@Time) + chramp("timeramp", frac(@Time));
@P.y += max(0, timeramp - @P.y) + @ptnum/10.0;



Edited by f1480187
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