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Rest Position. Its definition and popular uses

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Hey guys,

I was not able to find a good resource talking about rest position and its uses. Can you guys help me out?

Is it just an attribute that stores the position of the points at the position of the node tree you create a rest position attribute?

What are its main uses, any tips/tricks using it?


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It is a naming convention for storing some reference position data. You can use arbitrary name for it, but it may require renaming to use tools expecting rest attribute, like many tools do with name attribute. Usually, I use it to save position data and restore it after operating over deformed geometry.




Edited by f1480187
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Rest position is also really useful for displacing or adding noise to geometry that is animated. By default animated geometry would sample a noise field in different world space locations each frame. However if you use a timeshift to lock the geo to frame 1 for the second input of the rest sop, you can use that rest position attribute to sample the noise field at the same location each frame so that the noise sticks to the animated geo.

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