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Optimizing pop sim - set inactive?


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I am dealing with a particle sim and I need some way of optimizing it. This is the case: particles are emitted and falling on the ground. Once they fall on the ground they bounce a bit and then stop moving.

In this simulation I need to emit a lot of particles so it goes slow after a bit as particles accumulate fast on the ground. However I don't need to simulate those particles on the ground anymore, but pop solver simulates them all. Is there some sort of equivalent of @active attribute as in bullet sim?

I can think of one way - I can set up a velocity treshold, which will move stopped particles to a group. Then I can remove particles from this group so that pop solver doesn't simulate them, but before that I will collect them in another solver?

Any better approaches / ideas?



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Ok, solved :D

It seems to work well, I have wrangle in pop sim, which compares length of particle's velocity and then sets it to inactive. After that there is empty object which fetches particles, isolates inactive ones and merges them with itselft. After that in pop sim I delete inactive particles.

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in the popsolver itself, on the collision tab, after you check collision attributes or something in that lines. you have to possibilty to set points into a "deactive state", or even let them die.

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On 17. 7. 2016 at 5:36 AM, Shinjipierre said:

Have a look at the sleeping tab in the pop solver, that's what you want. It generates a "stopped" attribute.

There's also a pop awaken to reactivate the particles, pretty cool and works with grains :)

Thanks! I have completly missed that tab in pop solver :)

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