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Default output image type

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Hello. First thread here, sorry if this is not the proper section.


I have a simple question. I was doing a batch render (using hrender) and I forgot to specify the image format. So now I have a bunch of files without an extension. I thought that wouldn't be much of a problem, however, I tried to rename them to exr, tif and png without luck. I can't get Nuke or Photoshop or windows to read them, they look like corrupted files (more precisely, with the wrong extension, I think)

If it's any help, the resolution is something like 600x300px  and each file has around 5MB (which I figure is pretty big, which is why I thought they were exr, but apparently they aren't)


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They are most probably in Houdini's native format PIC, which can't be read by external apps. You can convert them into anything you want with Mplay, COPs or Houdini's commanline tools like mcp.

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