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Point Expression into VEX


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Im trying to fake age like in particles with points I have solver which is making trails in points.

How you would transfer this expresion into VEX 

If you add this into POINTSOP - ADD COLOR on Red Channel this work.


But I'm trying to make it work with a Point Wrangler and this is what I have. 

v@Cd = set(0,0,0);

@Cd.r = 1-@ptnum/@numpt;

Im trying o drive the age through color.

Then I would like to delete some of trailing as well.

So If I add A deleteSOP and I delete by an expression 


This also work.

But Im trying to do everything through the Point Wrangler or a Point VOP

Edited by Sepu
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Im almost there but  I have to issues it seems that the Attribute VOP my red color it has wacky numbers and the Attribute Wrangler is normalized and also why the points are not being remove?

Any ideas? Thanks 



Edited by Sepu
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well, first of all you have to take care when dividing and subtracting. input order matters! your divide and subtract have wrong input order.
second, i told you you cant delete the points in the same vop/wrangle as you do the color work. you have to delete the points AFTER the solver.

top of my pic is the wrong setup (remove the deleting part), but color is right.
bottom is the delete part in a vop AFTER the solver


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