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Constraints and impact/break off


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I have scene where rotating pills are connected pairwise (glue constrained) and then the top part of the pill needs to break of when it hits the box object. But this only happens after a lot of rotation and I need it to happen at once, also I need the connection/constraint to be strong enough so that the pills only break apart when hitting the box. I can't seem to figure out whats wrong with the setup. I have included a scene file. For speed purposes one can disable the second copy sop of both pill geos, to let the scene run real time.


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Here's a screen shot with two of the copy sops disabled. (thus creating only a row of pills) My primary issue is that I have to weaken the constraints too much in order to have the pills break off even though they are hitting a static object. When I weaken the constraints the pills also break of other pills too much. What I want is to show that the box is the primary thing breaking of the pills.


Edited by Daskerdaks
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