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haspointattrib VEX function selectively reads attributes ?

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In a dop network, I am using POP Wrangler to read some point attributes using "haspointattrib" VEX function, however, not ALL attributes are read? The point attributes I am interested in are created by SOP Ray node ("hitprim" and "hitprimuv") located in geometry network. However, "haspointattrib" can still read other attributes like P (but not the ones created by Ray node)?! for example:

i@exists = haspointattrib("/obj/crowdsim/ray1", "P"); //returns 1, i.e. P do exists

i@exists = haspointattrib("/obj/crowdsim/ray1", "hitprim"); //returns 0, i.e. hitprim does't exists

I double checked that "hitprim" exists in /obj/crowdsim/ray1, which also contains "P" point attribute.

I am not sure if there are limitation to using "haspointattrib" function (the docs do not say any)? or maybe I should not use in POP Wrangler node? The only thing in POP Wrangler that says this node does not use Local Variable but "hitprim" is an attribute and not a local variable.




Thanks in advance,





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Thanks pusat :) Actually, I did some investigation, I verified they are Point primitives (although their names has "prim" prefix). The problem was from my side :rolleyes: I was writing the SOP path without "op:" so the command failed to retrieve the geometry! i.e. 

i@result = point("/obj/c/ray1", "hitprim", 0); // fails because no op: 

i@result = point("op:/obj/c/ray1", "hitprim", 0); //works!

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