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is it possible to submit takes to distributed sim/rendering?

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Hi odforce

I have this issue that i cant get "takes" to work with distributed rendering. I have tried with Deadline and HQserver and both get the same issue, they cant "modify" the parameters in the takes because they are locked.

I have tried using wedge (telling the distributed renderer that i submit it with a wedge) and i have tried to submit it with just changing the take in the rop itself.

Is the take system only meant for rendering on your local machine or am i missing something?

As a sidenote, why do HQserver need $HIP or $JOB in the filename when the path is allready accesible to the rendermachines?

And why do you have to install the repository on the same partition as the project itself?

I hope someone out there knows a solution on this (or have any other clever idea on how to work with different sim settings), because its a bit cumbersome to not be able to use takes when siming.

regards Thomas

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