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Linux directory issues

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So I figured it'd be helpful to get some Linux experience under the belt and recently switched from Windows to CentOS. Things have been going pretty smoothly once I installed the NVIDIA drivers, but when I tried loading my previous projects I was met with 'load failed/no such directory' error.

I noticed that the directory that Houdini was trying to read from truncates folder names with spaces. So, if it's loading from Fall 2016/, Houdini will attempt to load from 2016/ which of course does not exist. Changing the directory to something without spaces works. New documents likewise don't seem to load from directories with spaces.

This is hardly a problem for me, but I'm curious if something isn't configured properly or if is this just how Houdini likes things on Linux??

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Never use spaces in file and folder names. It doesn't matter in some applications and for small personal projects but the bigger a project gets the more automation and scripting there will be and crap like spaces and funky characters will wreak havoc. Starting things with capital letters is really annoying too because you can't just hit "f" and then tab to get "fall" in a terminal you have to use shift to get the right case. Instead of "Fall 2016" you should use "fall_2016" which is how you'd likely see it named if it were in a studio pipeline.

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