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Stacking, python to vex

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Is anyone able to point out where I am going wrong here? Ideally I would like the boxes of different scales to stack up one on top of another.

In another package, using python on a series of boxes I get the desired stacking effect. When I try to convert the python to vex it's not working as I'd hoped. I suspect it's a really small oversight on my behalf but it would be really helpful for me to understand where I'm doing wrong.

My Python code

# Example Python code

def main():
    list = op.GetObjects()
    new = Vector(0)

    for object in list:
        pos = object.GetPos()
        scale = object.GetScale()

        new.y = new.y + scale.y + pos.y

		#Set new position to new

		#Update new
        new.y = new.y + scale.y - pos.y

My Vex code run in Detail mode

vector new = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < (@numpt); i++){
    vector pos = point(0, "P", i);
    vector scale = point(0, "scale", i);
    new.y = new.y + scale.y + pos.y;
    setpointattrib(0, "P", i, new);
    new.y = new.y + scale.y - pos.y;

Thank you



Edited by sessionbeer
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//point wrangle
@P.y += v@scale.y;

not sure if this is a small example of a larger problem you're trying to solve. sorry if this is obvious and not what you're looking for

if you still want to use a detail wrangle

for (int i = 0; i < (@numpt); i++)
    vector pos = point(0, "P", i);
    vector scale = point(0, "scale", i);   
    pos.y += scale.y;
    setpointattrib(0, "P", i,  pos);


Edited by dchow1992
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Hey Sessionbeer,

Slightly different setup but it works on a detail wrangle:

//get start point
vector new = point(0,"P",0);

for (int i = 0; i < @numpt; i++){
    if(i == 0) // skip first point
    vector scale = point(0, "scale", i);
    vector prev_scale = point(0, "scale", i-1);
    //get the height fron current and prev_scale combined
    new.y = new.y + ((scale.y + prev_scale.y)*0.5);
    setpointattrib(0, "P", i, new);



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