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Variable cloth stiffness?

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How do I vary the stifness of cloth? All the documentation and examples I can find are for old versions of Houdini, the new Cloth solver is a mystery. I would like create/paint attributes and the points the tell the solver that these areas should not bend as much. But how is this done?

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@Janmansilver not sure where you are looking but the documentation has all this and is up to date.




The primitive attributes that multiply the Stretch, Shear, Weak Bend, and Strong Bendmodels are:

Parameter Type Name
Stiffness float shellstretchstiffness
Damping float shellstretchdamping
Shear Stiffness float shellshearstiffness
Shear Damping float shellsheardamping
Weak Bend Stiffness float shellweakbendstiffness
Weak Bend Damping float shellweakbenddamping
Strong Bend Stiffness float shellstrongbendstiffness
Strong Bend Damping float shellstrongbenddamping
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  • 7 months later...

Does anyone know where are those control attributes now in H16 ?
Testing my old files from H15 and they are just not working anymore, also they took it of from the new documentation ?

BTW found the new updated cloth object in H16  just horrible, unpredictable and uncontrollable comparing to H15. Why is that happened, may be just not to update something that just worked fine ?

Edited by JDee
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