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Shadow's Appearing To Interect When Not

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i'm having some issues with my geometry casting shadows inaccurately.. it appears as if the geometry is intersecting the other geometry when it's not at all.

here are some images to explain what i mean ( i know it's kinda hard to tell what's going on, but just need to know that the two pieces are *not* intersecting).

Here is from the side showing the shadow stopping prematurely:


Here is from above showing the shadow stopping as well as the space in between the two objects to show that they never cross.


so yea.. i feel like i should i know why this is occuring but i can't remember it for the life of me..

thanks for the help everyone..

<edit> also, i tried killing all shaders and still got same result.. i problem seems to be coming up at the very end of the chain where i have a transform sop that's scaling it down and moving it close to the other object.. i noticed that if i take away the scaling in the transform sop and just move the big version over, there is no problem (whether it intersects or not).. just seems wierd to me.. and i do need to scale it down, so.. </edit>

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  • 2 weeks later...

ahhhh right you are marc.. thanks a ton :)

i didn't get to the point of lighting the scene appropriately yet (just a quick setup to see things).. so i haven't even thought of using any shadow shaders at this point (i just had the standard transShadow applied).. once i threw on a shadow shader and bumped the bias, it all went away.. for future reference, do the standard shadows built in to the lights have bias'? because i couldn't find any? why is this? because they aren't ray traced?

thanks again for help..

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well i will be using ray traced ones in the end, so like you guys said, it was the bias that needed to be adjusted.. but for the quick and dirty setup i just had the built in transShadow applied (which i thought was raytraced, but can't seem to find any bias settings in the light itself.. i never really took time to see what was going on with the standard built in light shadows until now..)

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