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tex and texni functions


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Hi. I just started workng with point colors and there things that I cannot figure out. For example, I'm trying to import a color from the middle of my texturemap into the Color section of the Point SOP using a texni function. Here's the string that I use in the Red section :

texni("./Houdini5/disc2/demo/pic/Reflect.pic",$BBX*0.5, $BBY*0.5, r)

the same function with g and b as a color value are applied in the Green and Blue fields. However, the grid that I apply it to turns black. I tried several different variations, but the grid is always black. What can I do wrong?

Thank you,


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you have a couple options:

use pic() or picni() ...might be more efficient to read it from cops...refer to the $HFS/demo/OP_specific/SOP/point for the proper format, or exhelp if you are into that sort of thing.

iam getting an image when using texni("mandril.pic",$BBX*0.5, $BBY*0.5, r) ...(well at least something that looks like a mandril, using 5.5.9x). have you tried playing with the bound box values? if its black, you are getting information in. also, for shits N giggles, use a different format...although, pic shouldnt be giving you any problems.

bout all my sickly nugget can think of at the moment...hollar back if it works for you.

Mike C.

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