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counting nodes

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Hello everyone

I have a lot of nodes in my scene. I'd like to somehow know how many nodes there are that have a name following a particular format. 

So my nodes are named, "char0", "char1", "char2", ....... ,"char?"

Is there a way I can write an expression to count up these nodes?

In the example picture the expression should return 4. In practice, I have many more nodes, but the naming convention is consistent.

Thanks for any ideas!

node count.jpg

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You can count all nodes on object level by a specific name using Python.

node = hou.node("/obj")
search = hou.ui.readInput("Find OBJ nodes by name:", buttons=('Search',), title="Count nodes")
name = str(search[-1])

obj_nodes = []
for child in node.children():
match = [x for x in obj_nodes if name in x]
count = str(len(match))

print(match, count)
text = count + " nodes found named " + name + "."
hou.ui.displayMessage(text, buttons=('OK',), title="Number of nodes")


Edited by konstantin magnus
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