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Sourcing whitewater from points


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Hello! I feel like this has an easy solution that I'm just totally missing, so at the risk of sounding dim:

I have some scattered points over some geometry, and I want to use those scattered points to emit/create whitewater. What is the process involved in having points used in the whitewater solver?

Thank you!

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I think I'm following what you're doing, but I'm having trouble applying it to what's in my scene. I've attached a hip file because I'm not quite sure how to describe what I'm trying to do. I have isolated points over a deformed grid to be used as whitewater (and the reason I'm not using the standard ocean displacement is due to the hda I'm using)

Thank you!



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You're almost there. Use a trail sop to calculate the velocity of your surface mesh, then use an attribute transfer to transfer the velocity to your scattered particles. Use that as the source for the whitewater. If you want the particles to float, you will need to make a surface VDB from the water mesh and plug that into the whitewater solver as well.



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VDBs cannot calculate with such a thin surface. Do a extrude volume before your vdbfrompolygons node. It always has to have thickness. 

However that is not your main problem, I believe that the whitewater source node is supposed to be taking in dop import from a sim that was already previously done. The whitewater solver I believe needs to be pointed to your "dop import fields" node that pulls in your flip sim. (I realize you don't have a flip sim, maybe make one? Not sure what you are trying to achieve with this setup)  It takes the surface and vel volumes from the flip sim along with the points you give it as well. So you making a vdb from polygons is kindof useless anyway. 

houdini 16 has a ocean foam node that calculates all those points for you. You don't need to do all that calculation (measuring curvature) you are doing

Also your ocean is tiling. You can fix that by just having a grid as big as you want your ocean and scattering points on it with relax turned on. Put like 2000 points in the scatter node. Plug the scatter node in the first input in your ocean spectrum node. You won't get tiling anymore because the new ocean spectrum randomizes the oceans on points which is incredible!

Edited by Tyfx567
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