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Accessing 'old' PolyExtrude' SOP in H16

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A common problem I have when following various tutorials are the huge differences in various SOP and other nodes in newer vs older versions of Houdini.

For example the new PolyExtrude SOP bears almost zero resemblance to the older version.

I know you can 'unhide' deprecated nodes like vopsop using a command like the following in the Textport

opunhide Sop vopsop

But is there a way to somehow revert to or 'uncover' older versions of same named SOP nodes?


Edited by art3mis
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Open Windows/Hscript Textport (Alt+Shift+T) and change location to target network. Then use opadd command with -e option:

/ -> cd obj/geo1/
/obj/geo1 -> opadd -e polyextrude

It will add old polyextrude node to the network at (0, 0) coordinates. If it was placed too far or under existing node and you cannot find it, search window (Ctrl+F) or tree view (Shift+W) can be useful.

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