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3d coordinates of the scene to 2d image coordinates

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Hi im in houdini with a geometry that has a texture.

i render with a camera that has transform information such as translate, rotate, also the pixel aspect, focal lenght and aperture etc

 i render in 1920 x 1080

if i know the geometry points position in the 3d scene, how can i calculate in which coordenates in 2D 1920x1080 those points gonna finish at?



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I'm not sure if Houdini has a quick and easy way to do this...?

Here's an article with a lot of detail about the process in a more general sense: https://www.scratchapixel.com/lessons/3d-basic-rendering/computing-pixel-coordinates-of-3d-point/mathematics-computing-2d-coordinates-of-3d-points

Don't know if that helps at all though.

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This might not be entirely correct (it's late), but you can use the transform node in VOPs to convert from world space to camera space. Then setup a wrangle node like this:

vector res = chv('res'); // Screen resolution
float focal = radians(chf('Focal_length')); // Cameras focal length in radians
float angle = 2 * atan(0.5 / focal); // View angle

float frustum = 2 * -@P.z * tan(focal * 0.5); // Cameras frustum size depending on the distance
vector screen = set( (@P.x / frustum) + 0.5, (@P.y / frustum) + 0.5, 0 ); // Relative screen positions
v@screen_pixel = set(res * screen); // Absolute screen positions in pixels


Edited by konstantin magnus
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