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Dark volume in Redshift

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I may be missing some option but I cannot, for the life of me, get anything but very dark, basically black volume renders with Redshift recently.  Running 16.0.600 and Redshift 2.0.93 where the last time I ran into no problems at all I was in 15.5.673 and RS 2.0.75 I believe.  For simple smoke there simply weren't any options, that I recall, besides applying the parameters from the shelf, setting to volume, using volume primitive, apply the rs volume shader, have an rs area light.   The volume showed up in RS renders with a similar looking neutral gray as I'd expect, like the visualization, like it would look in Mantra.  

I can make it thicker or thinner by tweaking the volume shader parameters but it's always black.  I know I must be missing something but I cannot, for the life of me, find it.  Unless something's broken.

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Density is mapped to scatter.  Nothing needs to be mapped to emission for smoke to render as smoke.

The default value of a RS light is 100.  It illuminates any other object near by very brightly.  This isn't a case of no lights.   Or no material.     It's simply (until now, apparently) not that difficult or that many more steps to get a volume to render in Redshift as a volume. 

I even followed that video that SESI is hosting with the examples for rendering pyro in Redshift, that starts with doing fog lights and moves on to the float toy into shelf tool explosion.   Just in case I'd forgotten something in the last month or so. No dice.  Where his first render shows the volume all blown out and bright from the default setting before playing with the mapping I get black, doing the exact same thing, and only black.  Even mapping "heat" to emission in that case.  Black.  I place a grid underneath it and this surface is bright, with a shadow from the volume, but the volume is black like ink.

They should really think about updating that video though, because it's not in 16, with the changes to deprecating /Shop.  


Edited by pockets
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I got it figured out.  It was actually a cascade of problems due to updating RS, making the necessary updates in Shotgun, and some old settings being partly to blame.  This morning things magically worked doing exactly the same steps that had me leave the office in frustration last night.  I like Shotgun, but I really don't like how it dictates the Houdini environment and much of the troubleshooting out of my hands.  I really hate "reboot and things work" stuff.

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