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VEX compare attrib values to each other


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As you requested a VEX solution, I would put something like this into a detail wrangle:

int all = nvertices(0);
@min = vertex(0, "uv", 0);
@max = vertex(0, "uv", 0);

for(int i = 0; i < all; i++){
    float compare = vertex(0, "uv", i);
    if(compare < @min) @min = compare;
    if(compare > @max) @max = compare;

Unfortunately I would not know how to access a single vector component in this manner:

@min = vertex(0, "uv.y", 0); // these lines
@max = vertex(0, "uv", 0).y; // do not work

Maybe someone can help me out here?

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@f1480187, ah thank you! So I guess, its:

int all = nvertices(0);
@min = vector(vertex(0, "uv", 0)).y;
@max = vector(vertex(0, "uv", 0)).y;

for(int i = 0; i < all; i++){
    float compare = vector(vertex(0, "uv", i)).y;
    if(compare < @min) @min = compare;
    if(compare > @max) @max = compare;


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I am used to access vector component like this, I hope it is a good solution as well:

    vector compare = vertex(0, "uv", i);
    if(compare[2] < @min) @min = compare[2];

Edited by ikoon
grammar check
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depending on the number of vertices, the easiest method is most probably using setdetailattrib() like in f1's second example. however, for very dense meshes and if performance is important it's better to iterate over the vertices and resize the array in advance instead of appending in a loop. this way you avoid continuous bounds checking of the array.

int num = detailintrinsic(@OpInput1, "primitivecount");
resize(@val_array, num);
for(int i = 0; i < num; i++)
    @val_array[i] = vector(vertex(@OpInput1, "uv", i)).y;



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