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Cops3 D Camera Matchmoving

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PF Track also exports to Houdini, and so does SynthEyes, wich is rumored to be quite powerful despite the fact that is the lowest priced camera mathing software.

In short, all the camera matching software seems to have exporters for Houdini.



that also sounds good Dragos. Thanks to everyone who has help me.

I think i will have a go with SynthEyes. I am becoming very interested in matchmoving so this is a good start

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  • 2 weeks later...
PF Track also exports to Houdini, and so does SynthEyes, wich is rumored to be quite powerful despite the fact that is the lowest priced camera mathing software.

In short, all the camera matching software seems to have exporters for Houdini.



Somebody that has used PFTrack with Houdini?

I'm having experimenting some problems with the data it exports.

PFtrack exports a .clip file with all the camera data, but i think that some data is wrong because i get a strange view from the camera. Translation, rotation, focal lenght, aperture, resolution are good but there is something wrong in the rest of the data.

Even more i have seen that for maya it exports a ma file with the camera, image plane and features points.

It is possible to get all of these features points in houdini, without to write a mel script that translates them from maya to houdini?

To mimic the maya image plane i'm using a background image in the houdini viewer putting the camera resolution equal to the footage resolution, i think this is right not?

Anydoby have more experience with other tracking packages working with houdini, 3d equalizer or boujou exports the data to houdini, what data exports?


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Odd, because the question that started this thread expected totally different answers...

Uselfull answer tought.. but actually i was also wondering just last night (when talking with a friend about my deep addiction I'm living about Houdini) that it just misses a nice 3D MatchMover (such friends was from PhoenixTools and we wre collegues at the time when Phoenixtools had a nice Matchmover/3D reconstruction for Softimage|3D and much more was under development.

Actually yeah, ther's a lot of matchmoving/3D reconstruction softwares around.. but wouldnt be nice to have one inside Houdini itself?... 3D recostruction can easly included into many workflow pipelines and with the Houdini procedural and powerfull workflow I bet that would definetly kickass. Matchmoving as well.. considering all the stuffs you can handle much easier when you have such tool integrated into (again) a powerfull environment such as Houdini.

... but as I and we all know... priorities are priorities.. I just ask (maybe again)... is Sidefx considering this "lack" or is just not asked therefore not priority task?


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