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Vex Bug?

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I was trying to get a metal shader.. using raytrace.

the ending VOP net is in the screeshot.. which i'm sorry if its huge but i had to show you the complete setup cause I'm guessing the crash is on the viewport for VEX preview (since when i disable it.. it doesnt crash).

anyway .. connecting the output of colormix into OUTPUT node makes it crash (see red line in screeshost)

i've been stuck reloading the scene since it was crasing at load time.. until i finally got one loaded and immediately removed the VIEWER view.. connected.. worked.. but while VIEWER was there again houdini crashed.

and more... when i menaged to finish my VOP .. and created the SHOP from it... took attention to not preview the VEX again .. assigned the SHOP to my object... clicked RENDER.. mantra CRASH then.

something is wrong with that VEX then..


Houdini 8.358

Windows XP Sp2

Gfx. Quadro FX 1300 PCIEx



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Here's a VOP network that I threw together a while ago - the shader allows for both raytraced reflections and environment map reflections using the "Reflective" VOP. Both are controlled by a color multiplier. There's also the ability to control the fresnel angle falloff, etc.


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What format file is the environment map? Perhaps if you convert it to another format image it may work?


the map used was a uffizi.rat map.

and I'm using such map since first time i started on this scene.. the crash of Houdini or mantra just happens when trying to use the above VOP shader.


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here's the scene file.

It enought to load it.. go to VEX deskstop.. and it crashses here.

altought i must specify that I'm using dual screen, with a dual screen custom layout where on primary screen I've the netwokr view and on the second screen I have all the rest, Viewers, parameters and such.



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Here's a VOP network that I threw together a while ago - the shader allows for both raytraced reflections and environment map reflections using the "Reflective" VOP. Both are controlled by a color multiplier. There's also the ability to control the fresnel angle falloff, etc.



thanks a lot for sharing that... i'm right now into VOP studying... after I meet a guy which was an old friend and which uses Houdini since really old times, we had a nice 6 hours conversation using Skype last night (finished this morning 7 am actually :S) ... and he started me on VOP. I made my first Lambert material :D

I was trying to make VOP by reading the Jason Happy Rendering with VEX but i must admit that I'm not able to "translate" VEX code into VOP network.. any advice on that? I have many Renderman manuals as well .. but I dont have yet the idea on how to "build" such shaders as VOP, is there any ... easy help on that out somewhere? (Myabe Jason could do a "VOP version of that Happy rendering with VEX?"

thanks a lot, I'll give a look at your reflective material and I'll try to understand it :D.


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Here's a VOP network that I threw together a while ago - the shader allows for both raytraced reflections and environment map reflections using the "Reflective" VOP. Both are controlled by a color multiplier. There's also the ability to control the fresnel angle falloff, etc.



I tried the Metal you gave me.. and added a RAT HDR map as reflection environment and this is the result..

its a fast mantra renderin.. no GI or occlusioon.. and just a spot as lighting.. but is this the result its supposed to be on metallic surfaces? look at the side object which should be away from light.. they seems too bright. am I doing anything wrong?



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The sides are brighter because of the fresnel angle calculation - I actually modelled this shader to behave more like plastic than metal. If you want the reflection to be consistent over the course of the surface (more like reflective metal), turn the "Mininum Reflection" and Maximum Reflection" values both to 1, and change the overall intensity of the reflection with the reflection color values.

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