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How to set background image size relative to resolution?

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What is the purpose of resolution change? If you want to preserve memory  you can change quality of background image (lock camera in viewport, press d (in viewport), go to background image in camera tab and change slider to reduce quality. Or you can increase image cache size with ALT+Shift+M  and enter let say 8000. If there is some other purpose for decreasing resolution please specify.


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Thanks for reply. I need to model an environment based on a reference image which is 1080HD, and then render out a single frame as 4K to use as background layer to comp and match with that reference image sequence as foreground. No camera tracking is allowed...I know, it is hard to believe... therefore I have to render out a bigger size of image for comp. 

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its not a problem in Houdini. In render settings you can override camera resolution and everything will be fine if aspect of that rendered resolution is same ie. 16:9. But one very important thing you didn't specify. When you make your 4K camera and put that 1080HD image as a background, should that image cover whole camera area or appear smaller in the middle of background? 

If first is the case then you just work with HD camera and in render time override camera resolution to 3840x2160 and you will have output which proportionally match to source HD image .

If second is the case, then you didn't ask right question.

Background in 3D software is not some placeholder with specific resolution like in 2D software. It is rather imaginary plane parented to camera on which camera projects an image. If you want image appears smaller (not covering whole camera projection area) or to appear larger, it's a question about projection and not resolution of image. So, for control of over-scanning and under-scanning you have parameters (in camera view tab) ScreenWindowsX/Y (the position) and  ScreenWindowSize (scale). For example, if you need your background image be smaller by factor of 2 then enter value 2 to both fields of ScreenWindowSize.



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20 minutes ago, gq_charles said:

I Should have clarify, thank you! @djiki 

tbh, I came to my conclusion using just your last sentence: For example, I need my cam res to be 1080 HD and my background image to be 960x540.

...it's quite clear what you wanted...no need for any mumbo jumbo...

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