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Crash report - Caught signal 11


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Ok so getting a crash when selecting a new RenderView feature with the latest Redshift plugin

of course have submitted a bug report with redshift but the RS logs don't seem to show any errors.


In an effort to troubleshoot can anyone look at my Houdini crash log and possibly suggest what the error might be ...possibly driver related?

What does 'Caught signal 11' signify?


Crash report from jim; Houdini Version 16.5.290 [Linux 2.6.32-573.3.1.el6.x86_64]
Uptime 38 seconds
Sun Dec 10 14:20:19 2017
Caught signal 11


Traceback from 4918 ThreadId=0x7f7928c43d40
AP_Interface::coreDumpChaser(UTsignalHandlerArg) <libHoudiniUI.so>
AP_Interface::si_CrashHandler::chaser(UTsignalHandlerArg) <libHoudiniUI.so>
signalCallback(UTsignalHandlerArg) <libHoudiniUT.so>
UT_Signal::UT_ComboSignalHandler::operator()(int, siginfo*, void*) const <libHoudiniUT.so>
UT_Signal::processSignal(int, siginfo*, void*) <libHoudiniUT.so>
__funlockfile <libpthread.so.0>
XQueryExtension <libX11.so.6>
XInitExtension <libX11.so.6>
XextAddDisplay <libXext.so.6>
glXCreatePbuffer <libGL.so.1>



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