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Optimizing large FBX with several objects and textures

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Hi guys,

I have a city FBX with massive amount of objects, all textured. Is there any way to optimize this structure for Houdini? Creating geo level bgeos manually would take forever, and I would need to re-texture everything. On a single object I usually create a bgeo and rat files for textures, but here this process would take days, a less time consuming solution would be great.


Thanks for any advice,



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You may have to re-texture everything anyway. I have yet to see Houdini create any useful textures on an FBX import.

One thing to remember is that you can use wild card on an object merge. So  if you are faced with a bunch of buildings named building_001, building_002 etc.. you can use a single object merge with something like building_* to fetch them into a single geo object node.

I also wrote a script that allows you to select a bunch of nodes and it will create a series of object merge nodes and merge those together. This could be one way to convert all sidewalks into a single sidewalk, for instance. The script also creates materials, in this case Redshift materials, based upon the colorization of the nodes in the selection. So you could colorize all rooftops brown, select them and then run the script to end up with one object and one material for all those elements.


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