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white water sim to blender with alembic problem


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I am trying to export a flip simulation with white water to blender with alembic. The liquid mesh gets exported correctly, but the white water is not the same as in houdini. in Houdini I have whitewater source, sim and import. Only source and import are bridged to blender. Whitewater_import, which I believe is what I need, is just an empty with no geometry. The source is like in houdini, but it doesn't look like the final white water sim.

So I was wondering if there's a way to import correctly the whitewater in blender. I thought that if I could convert the whitewater particles to points already in houdini, I could then export that geo to blender, but I am not very knowledgeable in houdini so I didn't manage to do it. Can someone help me with this, or maybe you have a better idea to deal with this problem? 


Thank you in advance!

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You may need actual geometry. Try copying small spheres to the whitewater points and exporting that as an alembic.


I made a small attempt at exporting a houdini popnet as a blender .bphys file sequence. This did work but I have never tried any large whitewater sim count against the technique. Maybe you can modify it or give it a try here.

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thank you for the superfast answer!  that worked! I tried with a merge node, but it was actually the copy node I had to use. 

I managed to import spheres in blender, which is good. Problem is, they polycount is out of control. Is there a way to instance points instead of spheres, so that I can use them to instance spheres in blender later? 


THank you again! :)

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That is why I mentioned the .bphys approach. This way you only transfer points into Blender. Then you can leverage the dupligroup feature of the Blender particle system to instance spheres inside of Blender. But high particle counts may not be possible inside of Blender due to memory limits.

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