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Intersecting RBD using multiple constraint networks

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Hey magicians, 


maybe you can help me out here. First of all i am a student who just started learning houdini after learning maya in school. 


I just had the "AHA!"-moment of understanding how constraints do work and now i am into the process of setting up 3 different types of constraints for one object. 


To stay basic i am using the glue constraint and not the cone twist. One constraint with a strength of 1 and 1 as well in the glue constraint relationship node just to ceep the full structure together. A second constraint for the cluster pieces and one constraint for only the outside of the cluster to stick these together. 


When using these constraints with the modified voronoi node it causes my geo to intersect. When disabling the two constraints for the clusters and only ceeping the most basic glue constraint everything works like a charm. 



Is there someone out who could help me get this error tracked down ? I am attaching the test geo here so maybe you can take a look.  


More Substeps do not work.And switching the rigid body solver to the bullet solver does not work too. Changing the padding does not work too. 


Best Regards,




Edited by CutterSnake
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