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Beginner Question, Calulate Y Length

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I am trying to calculate the y distance of a cached fluid sim in a tank. and I would like to have a color going from from black at the bottom and white at the top. The idea is to then use this in Mantra to drive the roughness of the transparency or the tint to create an ocean shader. I am trying to do this using a vopsop, I have tried various methods that other people have tried and I can only get it partially right. most of the time it seems to be calculating the distance from the center rather than the Y distance. In the file attached I get the gradient at an angle rather than straight up. 

I am totally new to this and any help would be appreciated.


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I'm at work so cant download the file but have you tried using the bounding box to drive the color? in a wrangle it would be something like

vector min, max = {0,0,0};
getbbox(0, min, max);
float remap = fit(@P.y, min.y, max.y, 0, 1);
@Cd = remap;

Edited by 3dome
forgot line of code
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