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I'm having some issues with keeping the UVs on an object that i'm breaking in Houdini.

I checked and the UVs are in the imported geometry.

In the DopNetwork, after the rest node the UVs are still there, but then they're gone. How can I preserve them until dopimport and further Alembic Export??

Can't post any files but this is a simple setup with a Voronoi breaking geometry with a scatter over itself.

Feel kind of dumb and might be overlooking something either very basic or very important.

Thanks in advance.


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Hello, have you tried to « unpack » your geo after the DOP ?

By the way, if you break an object that already has UVs, you still need to create UVs for the newly created primitives belonging to the « inside » group.

Let us know if it works.

Edited by StepbyStepVFX
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Check at which levels were the UVs (vertices, points ?), and look if you have checked the Save Attribute in the Alembic render node, and which attributes are saved for POints, Vertices etc. (you may need to specify Uv).

Or maybe that’s a C4D problem, with packed geometry also in C4D, but then I can’t help U :-)

Edited by StepbyStepVFX
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1 hour ago, StepbyStepVFX said:

Check at which levels were the UVs (vertices, points ?), and look if you have checked the Save Attribute in the Alembic render node, and which attributes are saved for POints, Vertices etc. (you may need to specify Uv).

Or maybe that’s a C4D problem, with packed geometry also

Hello again! Yup, found it while waiting on someone's response; After the merge of all the sims I needed to promote de uv attribute from points to vertex. Guess C4D can only read Vertex UVs.

Thanks anyway! Cheers!

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