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Houdini And Music


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That is true. You can bring music into Houdini, sync the animation to it and even produce music. Check out CHOPs, they let you work with waves, which can be either animation curves or sounds. Houdini CHOPs can act like a synthesizer, where you combine waveforms of different frequencies together to make cool sounds.



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thanks for answer!

Just found in docs:

"The 3D Spatial Audio system in Houdini integrates 3D animation and geometry with sound effects. You can animate sound sources and microphones in your scene to create realistic environmental audio".

I wonder, does any of FX studios use it in production? What are the real targets for this?

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I wonder, does any of FX studios use it in production? What are the real targets for this?


There are two sides of this: you can find various uses for it in your "usual" animations (for example triggering sounds when some events are taking place--a ball hitting a wall, lip synching stuff, animation derived from music, animation generating sound); the other use is for real-time (or "performance") animation, used for VJ-ing, real time events, contemporary art installations etc. This second use was greatly developed and refined by Derivative (www.derivativeinc.com) in their Touch 101 product, which started as a derivative :) of Houdini in the times of Houdini 4. The company is founded by Greg Hermanovic, one of the initial architects of Houdini and CHOPs.


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Guest xionmark
I've read somewhere on the net, Houdini can be use to produce music.

Is that true? Can I connect it to sound stuff like: adapters, samplers, use vinyls,  and create beats?


If you're into hard core synthesis, i.e csound, then check out the plugin I wrote for Houdini and Csound:


It's a groooovy little tool, many applications from sound efx to full blown compositions.


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