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I'm trying to setup BMRT as a rayserver for PRMan.

There is one problem tho!

Two files (maybe more) are missing from the BMRT installation.

A script called "frankenrender" and an DSO file called "rayserver.so"

These are the files mentioned in BMRT manual and they are needed for what I want to do.(Also the perl script called "farm" is missing too but this one isn't needed for raytrasing)

Anyone have those files?

Can you share?

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Yea. I found version 2.6beta for Linux and the files are in there.

I think I can use the perl scripts on Windows machine. As for the reyserver.so............. did Windows distro of BMRT ever included these files?

Or is it that BMRT was never intended to be used as a rayserver for PRMan on Windows?

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well it will be a 2.6 beta...and the only thing I could suggest is to do a google search...there are still some file download places that are serving it...or you could get it from someone who still has it... > I don't, just the Win version...

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