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Sodaplay Play


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Ok, so been playing some more with this, and I can get pretty close with using RBDs and spring constraints but nothing that is exactly right.

In the attached file I found a hack to get all the contraints set up automatically, it throws an error but then works anyway - which is interesting in itself.

I can also get all the joints to contract and the sim stays stable. However changing gravity or the spring damping can cause the model to just go flying off into space. It maintains its shape but just decides to head off in one direction. Very odd.

If I destablise things by making only one edge into muscle then it always behaves badly.

SodaPlay.zipFetching info...

So I'm wondering is this a limitation of DOPs, or me? or just a bug. Any ideas?

I also found that playing the sim over and over and tweaking parameters caused my memory usage to to up and not get released. Windows H8.0.503. Anyone else found that with dops?

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  sibarrick said:
I also found that playing the sim over and over and tweaking parameters caused my memory usage to to up and not get released. Windows H8.0.503. Anyone else found that with dops?


I found this recently but it was an ATI graphics card bug, I believe.


I'm about to take a look at your sodaplay !

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There error is because you can't plug an object into a data input, and the result of copydata1 is an object. The simple answer is, disconnect the object from copydata1. Unless I don't know what's supposed to happen, that seems to make it work.

See attached.

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  craig said:
There error is because you can't plug an object into a data input, and the result of copydata1 is an object. The simple answer is, disconnect the object from copydata1. Unless I don't know what's supposed to happen, that seems to make it work.

See attached.


I knew that was why it threw the error, I didn't try to disconnect it though, don't know why.... :rolleyes: just going mad i guess.

Any idea whether this is actually doable, I just can't get it stable except for simple cases.

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  • 3 months later...
  sibarrick said:
Hey! Sodaplay is now stable in H8.1  :D

Can't remember how this works at the moment, but if you open the attached and press play the pyramid will fall onto the ground and then walk slowly off into the distance.

SodaPlay.zipFetching info...

So cool.... have to try and make a snake or something next.


I was going to try the same but using a PopShapeMatch instead.

sodaplay.2.hip.gzFetching info...

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  sibarrick said:
Don't you just do it on the physical tab of the popobject?


That's one way - for some reason, the POP Object friction defaults to 0.

The other thing you can do is to add a friction attribute to the geometry, and then set it there. That allows you to have different friction values across the geometry. One cool thing to do is to paint friction values across a surface, and then slide things along it. Hours of fun for every girl and boy.

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  • 3 months later...

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