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How To Change Uv's Of Instanced Objects

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I"m trying to point instance some boxes and I want to project (orthographically) a texture over the boxes so that the texture will cover all of the boxes (as oppposed to projecting it on one box and duplicating this box).

I"m trying to build a VEX shader for it, but the problem is I can't find out the location of my instanced box. I only know P in world (screen) space or in texture / object space which is per box and not relative to the whole bunch of them.

Must I use a procedural instance script?


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You could convert instance positions into NDC space and use that to look up a texture.  Here's a quick example..



but I ment for something a bit different.

I want the projection to be orthographic and not 'camera projection'.

So, knowing the position in screen space is not enough...

Here is an example of what I want to do( using 'copy' instend of instancing).



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