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Delete Multiple Channels

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How to delete multiple channels from a node or many nodes at the same time?

I created referenced copies of plenty of sops and now if I want to delete the originals I'd have to delete channels one by one, which I'm not eager to do :P at all

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How to delete multiple channels from a node or many nodes at the same time?

I created referenced copies of plenty of sops and now if I want to delete the originals I'd have to delete channels one by one, which I'm not eager to do  :P at all



Couldn't you have selecte all the nodes you want your channel deleted, then go to that channel, RMB and select "Delete Selected Channel"? Does this not work?

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Couldn't you have selecte all the nodes you want your channel deleted, then go to that channel, RMB and select "Delete Selected Channel"? Does this not work?



if the nodes are the same, ok, but they are different, say I want to select some nodes and delete all channels from them.

If there are 1000 channels to be deleted, going to each of them could be tedious.

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if the nodes are the same, ok, but they are different, say I want to select some nodes and delete all channels from them.

If there are 1000 channels to be deleted, going to each of them could be tedious.


Oooh oops. I was under the assumption that the nodes are all the same. You'd probably have to write an hscript that would perhaps find out which of your selected nodes contain expressions you want to delete, if you want to delete the expression string (which this approach would mean more work).

Otherwise, you should be able to find out the the selected node, then clear the expression by channel name. In this case, it should be pretty easy. Select all the nodes that you want to have its channel deleted. Then, in Textport, cd into the object that that contain all the nodes with channel you wanted to remove. Then type the following:

set origPath = `oppwd()`

foreach cow (`opselect($origPath)`)
chrm ${origPath}/${cow}/CHANNEL_NAME

Replace CHANNEL_NAME with the channel that you wanted to remove.

Anyways, I think this should work... haven't really tested it...

take care


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