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Missing primitives from find shortest path?

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Has anyone ever had a problem with primitives missing from using the findshortestpath node?

This is the strange behavior I am observing.  In the viewport the geometry seems to be present but this lack of primitives I have reason to believe is causing problems for the distribution of my scatter node that I am running on this afterwards....


Anyone have any ideas why this might be happening? Or ways to repair this?

This is what happens when I try and scatter onto this geometry (Default settings, relax iterations on 10).


This is being created from some very normal looking, repaired and remeshed geometry to me:


I would link a Houdini file, but I'm not sure how to embed my geometry into the file...

Thanks :)

Edited by sdlovecraft
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I assume that you mind, that in the upper region, there are more points scattered. That is because of the "coincident" shortest paths (primitives) being in the exact same position. I don't know the algorithm of Relaxation of Scatter SOP node, but it seems that it doesn't take into account coincident positions on different primitives.

I tried to remove coincident primitives. I followed the link by tamte ("Anim" here on odforce) and added Convertline SOP, Fuse SOP, PolyDoctor SOP and I attach a proposal of solution.


missing_prims_pathfinder - v1.hiplc

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not sure if I understood the problem but just some observations:

01) you're using the old group ? dunno why.

02) in your end selection...it has 1 of 5...is this deliberate ? if you have 1 of 1 then it selects all points...and you'll get the 'missing' ones you're talking about ?

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