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list of vertices

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Do you want to iterate over the vertices in the same node, or for some reason store them in an attribute ?



<type> vertex(<geometry>geometry, string attribute_name, int prim_num, int vertex_num)

<type>[] vertex(<geometry>geometry, string attribute_name, int prim_num, int vertex_num)

Specifies the vertex as a primitive number and then an offset into the list of vertices on that primitive.

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I want to store them as an attribute, for each primitive of the polygon (triangle) its three vertices; 

Could the expression be something like: 

int prim_vertices[];

@prim_vertices = primvertices(0, @primnum);

The problem is I don't know how to use them correctly. Please can you tell me how I could write the full expression?



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To put the vertices in an array attribute:

i[]@prim_vertices = primvertices(0, @primnum);

You have to declare @prim _vertices as an array. You don't need the first line of your code, that would declare a variable. Unless that's what you want of course

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