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Hi everyone!

I am having an issue with rendering my ocean using Mantra in Houdini. It appears really blocky and I cannot figure out why!
This is my first time trying to use the Houdini ocean tools so sorry if my explanation isn't great but I will try and explain my scene. I have cached out my guided ocean simulation and used it to create an extended ocean so it is definitely an issue with the creation of the extended ocean. I have tried so many different settings to try and solve this issue and nothing seems to reduce it at all. So far I have tried changing these settings in the particlefluidsurface node:
- lowering particle separation to 0.06
- lowering voxel scale to 0.1
- lowering the influence scale to 2
- increasing the extrude divisions 

I have attached a render to show the weird blockiness I mean, it can't even see where these divisions would be coming from in the mesh!

Anyone have any idea what else I can try or why this is happening??


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