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subdata records ?


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1 hour ago, anim said:

you can see them in your DOP network's Geometry Spreadsheet

Within the Geometry folder of the DOP Network ? If so I'm looking in that area, I don't see any subdata records ?

1 hour ago, anim said:

or import them as points using DOP Import Record SOP

How do you know what Data Path & records you want to import ? 

1 hour ago, anim said:

or access using dop expressions like dopfield() or Python 

Similar question to the other two questions :) 

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when you look at the Geometry Spreadsheet while in Dop Network it will show you all the data of the Dopnet not just Geometry, it used to be called Details View (still named that way in docs http://www.sidefx.com/docs/houdini/dyno/about.html#detailsview), but then was unfortunately renamed to Geometry Spreadsheet that may seem confusing outside of SOPs

so there you can see the path to all the data as it contains a tree view with all the info you need

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which records exactly are you searching for?

subdata records is a very vague term, you need to know what you need

Geometry Spreadsheet tree view contains Objects and Data and nested data is called Subdata each of them has a name which can be custom, and they contain Records also different names like Basic, Options, Transform, Impacts, ...

so without knowing what you are looking for it's difficult to help, looking for something specific?

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I understand how the tree view is laid out, and I see for example rbdpackedobject1 there is; basic, options, transforms & impacts.  Is there not a list to see, or is it completely hidden ?

I want to know if there is a list of these subdata records which can be exposed ? Or must I know exactly the attribute which is contained with the subdata records, but how can I know the exact name if I don't know what exists ? 

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you know what exists by looking at the tree

of course you can probably even print it out using Python if you prefer, but it can be a lot of data

Data can be arbitrary, each node may add it's own data, records, fields, that's why you have this view, to see what the sim contains, even what values if you want to just inspect. 

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like this:

examples of

1. sphere_object1 DOP object, Position data, Options record, displayed in Geometry Spreadsheet where you can see all the data fields in the record

as well as imported to SOPs using DOP Import Records and shown in SOP level Geometry Spreadsheet as points with attributes that represent the fields

2. same principle, just showing sphere_object1 DOP object, Geometry/BulletData subdata, Options record





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I was able to access the position subdata once, and since that one time, I can't gain access to it as I'm having some difficulty re-gaining access to the Geometry ? I can locate the bullet subdata when inside a DOP network, rather then a AutoDOPNetwork considering there one in the same from what I know.

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in your screenshot you are dealing with RBD Packed Object so in terms of Position you most probably want to fetch just Geometry (DOP Import, Dop Import Fields, DOP I/O or Object Merge SOPs can do that)  since packed RBDs are represented as a single DOP object with Greometry containing packed primitives

therefore RBD Packed Object doesn't have Position data directly as each point's P in Geometry represents the position and primitives intrinsic transform represents rotation and scale

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I assume when you say importing just Geometry in a DOP Import you mean; /obj/geo1/sim(DOP Network)/rbdpackedobject1/geometry ? What must you connect the import/output of either a DOP Import, or DOP I/O node ?

When I mentioned I was able to access the position subdata only once, I meant without the use of any DOP Import, DOP Import Fields / DOP I/. I had selected a node whether within the DOP Network or the SOP Network and although I couldn't tell you as to what I did, as I only had done it once; I saw the position data, as well as some other subdata attributes, since then I can't recall how I found it ?


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