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Rendering to disk doesn't work


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To render an image sequence you must embed a global frame variable into the file name.

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Make sure to add the file extension to the filename. The $F4 will give you a 4 digit zero padded frame number. Other options are $F3 or just $F.

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output picture on mantra -- this dictates where your image will save. You are rendering frame 1 - 50 as 1 file, which is shown second from top of your file browser. this also has no extension. make sure to include extension on your output picture (as in .jpg, .exr, .tiff, whatever you want), and i presume you don't want to overwrite every frame into the same file, so add in _$F4 before your extension. $F means current frame number, $F4 means it will always output 4 digits representing current frame number.

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