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DOP in for-each loop


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Hi community!

I have a huge destruction scene, where I'm stuck with the ground impact dust. Basically i need to make a smoke sim on every collision with the ground. I have my impact points in place, with birth frame data as well. My guess was to make a for-each loop with a DOP inside of it for every point. It works, but every frame it recalculates the whole sim until the current frame, which is of course is not good. 

The scene is so huge and scattered, doing this in 1 sim would take an eternity. 

How can I do this in a correct way? I`m sorry, but i can not post any of the hip file. :( 

Thanks for reading this, also a huge thanks if you answer. Cheers.


**edit: im on H16.0

Edited by neokovago
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Not quite clear without any screenshots what the scene actually looks like, second, I never saw the setup with a DOP in a for each loop so I'm interested to see what other people have to say about it. 

My first thought would be, why not use clustering for the simulation, rather having one big container for the solver, have multiple really small ones that suffice the simulation needs and not burn any unnecessary memory.

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