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Hi Everyone


I am new to Houdini. I study three methods to make colored smoke. I can simulate color particles from all of methods but I can not render out colored smoke. As for method 3, more frustrated on the pcopen of material builder. I can not write out particles at all, there is no smoke to render out neither. I really need some help to know how to render colored smoke or pyro after simulation. sorry can't upload file so only use youtube to point out my questions.


1.      Method 1:


   I only can render grey smoke but can not render colored smoke at 9:18 of video

   No idea why?


2.      Method 2:


I set up a material pyro shader to render. I only can render grey smoke again not colored smoke. No idea why?


3.      Method 3:


I follow up video to make the path for point cloud texture, but can’t write out anything after rendering at 30:27 of video. No any smoke at this time.


Hope guy can give a help to solve the above issue. No idea where I missing.


Thanks in advance




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An attempt here (and older attemps a few posts earlier)




Or just wait for H17 in a few days, where its built in.


Oh, for rendering just bind Cd to your material:


For extra control put a colour correct in the middle, and/or connect cd to the emitcolor for different effects:




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Hi Mestela

Appreciate for your help. It's funny for me to think wrong direction. I only know pyro shader or custom shader to render colored smoke. I don't know to use volume shader core to render this case. I will study this linking soon. tkx


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  • 4 weeks later...

Hi Mestela

After checking your ways, I found I still can't set up shader properly. I have no idea how to use volumeshadercore as shader because I can't pick up volumeshadercore from material of render in object. I only can choice shaders like uniform volume or pyroshader from material.

How to setup bind and volumeshadercore as shader? I try material builder but I can't connect properly them between surface globals and surface output or output collect.

If possible, can you kindly inform how to set up material for colored smoke? I am using Houdini 16.5 now.

Thanks in advance.




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