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Are There Any Maxwelll Connection For Houdini?

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I do recall seeing that someone had made one - it's not part off NR's releases...you'll have to search the forums at NR if the posts about it are still there...


There definitely is one, and there was a forum for it on their site. They have a very unambitious beta scheme, however; they don't have a free/crippled version.

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Try this link to the maxwell forum to find out about Houdini plugin for Maxwell problems ;)


sidenimjay has written a plugin for beta version of maxwell, which after launching maxwel 1.0 has been taken off the site. But if you are using still Maxwell Beta I can send you...

The plugin for Maxwel 1.0 hasn't not compiled yet...

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  • 3 weeks later...

For people that wanted to give Maxwell a try. Here is a demo version.


I think the only limitations are, no network rendering (that I think that not even the full version has it working <_< ), 800x600 resolution and a water mark.

Since I don't know about any working plug in, you guys with a full version of Houdini will have to export your geometry, and set up lights and materials in Maxwell Studio.

Have fun, and please post some images :)

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