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simple large scale smoke plumes


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I spent a very long time trying to figure out how to create a simple large scale smoke plume effect like the one in the attached file. I've tried many things like playing with custom divergence fields, different turbulence scales, different layers of disturbance, different cooling rates, and obviously changing the noise scale and speed of noise animation on the source and turbulence. I get a very stringy behaviour in density close to the source due to the buoyancy from temperature and especially when using wind I get a lot of streaks. I tried doing the simulation at low resolutions to get the general shape right then doing an upses simulation to add the high-frequency details among other things. I'm not really sure what I'm missing ut most of my results look like the attached picture. 

I would really appreciate any help on advise on how to approach creating this look, also if you know if any tutorials out there(free or paid) I would very much be interested.





Straight_Smoke_Plume_2_0764_2K.mp4 ---reference video

What I'm usually ending up with


what I want to achieve


Edited by IhabAli
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thanks but I guess I know how to create a smoke simulation, what I was looking for was guidance on how to get this nice curly smoke plume force that's very obvious when you look at how the smoke is forming. Gas turbulence seems to create velocity vectors that push the smoke away from it's original path in a a stringy motion (curl size affects the curves of those strings). What happening in the reference seems to be more of curling in place. I thought vortex confinement can help but I'm not sure how to control the size of the vortices that form. The reference smoke seems to build up and billow where as even with the billowy smoke shelf tool for example, the buoyancy seems to push the density field fast causing streaks. If the buoyancy is set too low, the billowing effect doesn't form.

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