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VEX Function: npointsgroup


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Im started out learning vex and exploring different type of function. Im trying out the if statement in combination with the npointsgroup function.
In the example I got a point grid, with a point group. I like to use the if statement to make the grouped points green.
Sound super basic right, but its not working out for me. What I'm doing wrong here?


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npointsgroup() returns the number of all points within a specific group. So if there are 5 points in a group, it will always return 5. Its not meant for iterating over points. 

int pts = npointsgroup(0, 'group1');

inpointgroup() however returns whether a certain point @ptnum is in a specific group or not (0 or 1).

v@Cd = vector(0.0);
if( inpointgroup(0, 'group1', @ptnum) != 0){
    v@Cd.r = 1.0;

Or more compact:

int in_grp = inpointgroup(0, 'group1', @ptnum);
v@Cd = set( float(in_grp) , 0.0, 0.0);


Edited by konstantin magnus
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