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How to Render to Disk with selected region?

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Hello Houdini people!

May I have a simple question on U? Im trying to make a render of extreme difficult scene, with a lot of lights and textures with redshift. But unfortunately I can let rendering my computer only durring the night (because durring day I need it for my work :D ). The render which Im trying to make usually takes almost 20 hours, but as I wrote when I need the computer I have to stop it and then start again, because the render is unfinished (in corners because the buckes didnt finish it there) and also its unusable. What I need is lets say select some part of camera view and render it (RENDER TO DISK !!), basically I will divide whole frame on small parts (each part per night lets say) and then I will put them together in photoshop.

So my question is: Is possible to select region in camera view (for example like in Blender/Cycles: its Shift+b+LMB) and then render this selected region to disk (I do not want render in scene view)?

Thanks a lot for any advices!! ;) 



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